Thursday 12 December 2013

Digital Drawing with Paper by Fifty Three

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get an iPad. While I was in the Apple store I played with a few apps they had on their demo machines. A sketchbook app called, "Paper" by Fifty Three, so intrigued me that it was the first program I acquired for my new toy.

Gradually I getting used to it. Today I was at a friend's house. She had a lovely amaryllis in bloom so I suggested we sketch it together. She agreed, as did another friend who was also there. They used regular sketchbooks and I used my iPad. The drawing above is the result.

Later, at home, I couldn't help playing around with the drawing some more. 
I didn't realize how addictive this activity was going to be.
The drawing is probably beyond repair now but I am having so much 
fun learning this new medium that I don't mind the "warts."
Have you tried digital drawing? What do you think? 
How does it complement drawing and painting on real paper?


  1. I am impressed! The drawings look as if they were done on real paper, It also looks like fun. Also one can practise using this medium and then eventually do a real watercolour painting to keep because you like what you have learned. Good stuff, Eileen.


  2. Thanks for your comments Alice.

  3. You go girl... I like your paintings.I can barely use all the 'extras' on my cell phone.
    An ipad? I don't think I will, at least not for now. I will just admire your work, keep at it... bk

  4. Wow! You really ARE moving into the current times aren't you!? I'm very impressed with what you can do with it. Have no idea what you're talking about. Pretty amazing what can be done, eh? Glad you're having so much fun with it ... you sound like a kid with a new toy! : -) Looks good too! I like your "finished" effect very much!! Thank you for sharing, Eileen!

  5. Thanks for the comments. Yes, things are changing so rapidly in the creative field. I should have put the iPad under the Christmas tree because I do feel like a kid with a new toy.

  6. Your continued sense of play in creative endeavours is inspiring. You are an example that is helping to bring reluctant me into today's digital world.

  7. Thanks for your comments Gayle. I don't think I'll ever give up "playing" in a paper sketchbook but I am intrigued by what is possible on the iPad. You will notice that in the second illustration I have eliminated some of the original drawing, which, in my opinion, makes it better. This is not so easy to do on paper. So original ideas could be conceived digitally, played with, corrected and changed, and then the idea could be transferred to paper or canvas. At least this is my present line of thinking.
