Tuesday 17 December 2013

Amaryllis painted on Yupo paper

The amaryllis is a great subject for study because it changes so quickly. Purchase one that has not yet peeked out of its bulb. When it starts go grow, you will get a different look every day, or part of a day, that you may draw or paint. Here are some amaryllis buds that I painted with watercolour on Yupo paper.

For those who don't know, yupo paper is a plastic like paper that watercolour artists (and others) decided they could use as a surface for painting. Colour is not absorbed into yupo so it sits on the surface, and can be completely removed if you wish.


  1. WOW! Eileen, I LOVE this! Love the colours, love the "splotches" and how the whole thing seems alive and "moving". This is just exquisite!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  2. I love the loose feel. Do you go straight to paint?

  3. Hi. I went straight to paint for this one. I had sketched many times in pencil in my sketchbook before hand so I had a value plan to work with. Yupo makes a painting take on a life of its own so one never knows what to expect.
