Monday 11 November 2013

Book Review - Stunning Crystal & Glass

Stunning Crystal & Glass: 
the Watercolourist's Guide to Capturing the Splendor of Light 
by Joyce Roletto Faulknor

This is a visually stunning book. The effects Joyce Faulknor achieves are incredible! Only after a journey of many months did she learn how to create the effects she shares with you in this book.

The artist recommends you start with a simple, well lit setup, to create lovely shadows and reflections. She offers advice on how to photograph the setup, how to crop for the best composition, and how to transfer a drawing to watercolour paper. She works from photographs which she claims is an advantage.

A value scale, a colour wheel for painting glass, refraction, and distortion are all discussed. There is a simple demonstration on painting the shadow created by a rose coloured glass vase. Each example  she discusses is accompanied by a reference photo.

There are several exercises on painting wet-into-wet, wet-on-dry, glazing, hard and soft edges and value contrast. Her colours are clean, and vivid. At times, flowers and/or fruit are combined with the crystal and glass to create a shimmering still life.

Each of the nine, step-by-step demonstrations starts with an intricate drawing. If the glass is clear then the background is painted first. There is one demo with a clear glass filled with ice, water and lemons that is amazing.

This is a subject that would be challenging for any artist who is just starting out, or even for those with some experience, However, if you are up for the challenge, follow the artist's demonstration's and go for it.

In her conclusion, the artist says if painting glass and crystal is your passion, or whatever subject you prefer to paint, believe in what you do, the rest will fall into place.

Book reviewed by Palma Ledger

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